Here's a love poem for your heart inspired by this heart rock on a hike.
The heart
The seat of the soul
Where there is no opposite
Where all is whole
Where who we came here to be
Waits for us to remember
To awaken and then activate
To embrace and then elevate
In gratitude and in joy
With care and with courage
With kindness and with appreciation
Lead by love and by compassion
Home, to our embodied Divinity
So plain to see
Where all answers lie
Our greatest and most high truth
Without limits
Without a roof
Dial your receiver
Tune in to your center
To create your reception
Fine tune your perception
Where we’re going
Where we’ve been
Where we are
All holding hands
Go within, my dear
Take a seat and a rest here
Feel and sense, become aware
Breathing in the freshest of air
In for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Out for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Pause. Imagine...
An aligned & clear signal
Magnified magnificence
You, how you sparkle
In the Unified field, please marvel
At the unlimited possibility
And pure potentiality
That exists for you
To choose
Say yes to it
Be lifted by it
Dance with it
Flow with it
The Is-ness
The All-ness
And Oneness
Deep down you know this
Somewhere you remember
Put it on your to-do list
To be it, Surrender